Consultants & Agents since 1982
Call Us at +91 9811011063

Expatriates – We Make Your Entry Smoother In India

We welcome you to India. We sincerely hope you will have an enjoyable and productive stay here.

Based on our last few years experience, we have prepared a brief introductory report for our clients. The report addresses the few stated or unstated questions that tend to be either asked or come to the mind of a new arrival.

We hope that you will find the information useful and should you have any suggestions towards the improvement of the report, we will welcome them.

Things we can do for you in India

Allow us to make your entry easier and smoother

Are you India ready ?

Do you need to be up and running the moment you are in India or even before reaching India ?

We can help in the following areas :

  • Residential Accommodation (Both long and short term)
  •  Office spaces (Both long and short term)
  •  Over view of the city
  •  Competitive Quotes for renovation/decorating
  •  Furnishings & Services
  •  Shopping for the basics
  •  Registration in India
  • Legal & CPA liaison